Presented by Niki Baras, and Moreno Giovannoni

Date: 1 August 2015

Time: 10 am -12:30 pm

Attendance: 38


1. Charles introduces the session

2. Jingjing introduces the presenters

3. Niki and Moreno present:


What are the concerns?

What are the reasons for the rate drop?

People have no voice – deprofessionalisation

Too much travelling/on the road

Parking the most important issue coming up all the time


History of the industry in Australia

One client – government, for community interpreting

Deprofessionalisation – use naati accredited interpreters where available

Why some Japanese interpreters charge $120/hr plus travel?

Why am I paid $800/day plus expenses for a Cains court job?

PA recommended rates: $430/day (in Melbourne magistrate court)

Happy to be here, you are the future, PA needs you.

$60/ in 1993, 22 years later with inflation, we should get $120/in 2015

Interpreters are liable, and can be sued

UNION: The Case for Change – can be downloaded online; basic entitlements

No point fighting again agencies; work with them

Union – 3 years old, 2011; Oncall Superannuation issue

Vietnamese  interpreters strike in 2003

PA is not a militant union, not CFMEU

Last year rate survey, 900 responses from 2000  “Lost in Translation” good results

Working out a job (90 min) $123.00

PA talks to minister and other stakeholders

Level 2 never bother improve to level 3

Turkish group – united in northern suburbs, 50 of them; agencies didn’t follow; went back to work

ACCC approved PA to represent TIs

Submissions to gov enquries

Union is the members

Most people in PA are volunteers

PA is subsidising TIs by pharmacists/engineers


Charles thanks everyone.

PD points: 10