• Location:  Lv1, 123 Lonsdale Street, MelbourneTime:    10:00 am – 1pmAttendance: around 91Presenter: Dave Deck   Summary:1. Charles – Welcome everyone, both old and new members, a special thank you to New Dream students, and best wishes to you all for your exams.2. Charles – This is 1st one in 2016 and plan to have around 5 to 6.  If you become a member, you will continue to enjoy all the benefits, including a member rate to participate in these seminars, otherwise you will have to pay more.3. Charles –  We sometimes encounter some issues which we find professionally challenging. Some of the issues are very confusing, even experienced practitioners find them difficult to handle.4. Charles –  Lucky to have invited Dave Deck today to speak to everyone.  Encourage everyone to ask a lot of questions.5. Charles –  Introduce Dave Deck: Dave has practised as a translator and interpreter in Indonesian and Malay for about 22 years, and is chairman of NAATI’s Indonesian/Malay and English examining panels.  In addition, he ran workshops for both translating and interpreting candidates in NAATI’s Melbourne office for 16 years.  Formerly an education officer in the Air Force, he returned to the Defence Force School of Languages as a civilian instructor in Indonesian, and then became their Assessments Officer before retiring from Defence in 2009.  For 8 years he taught T&I theory (plus Indonesian translating and interpreting) as a sessional lecturer for the Advanced Diploma and Masters programs at RMIT University.  Having now retired from regular teaching at RMIT, he was recently elected chairman of the Vic/Tas branch of AUSIT, and has been on the AUSIT National Council since 2014.6. Dave presents on AUSIT Ethics7. Many questions during Dave’s presentation8. Dave presents many scenarios too9. Jingjing – A vote of thanks.  1 a small token to thank Dave for his wonderful, insightful and useful presentation. Jingjing and CQ present wines to Dave; we must thank Joseph and his church for continuously supporting our association – Jingjing presents a gift for Joseph who unfortunately couldn’t come.10. Jingjing – We will let everyone know the time for the next PD session through email and CITAA website.